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©1990 Victor Cicansky
©2010 Victor Cicansky
©1996 Victor Cicansky
Creation of the Prairie Garden, ©1997 Victor Cicansky

The Creation of the Prairie Garden
Wood, paint, clay, glaze
94.5" x 63" x 47.25" (Installation size)

Collection of the Saskatchewan Arts Board


©1991 Victor Cicansky ©1993 Victor Cicansky ©2009 Victor Cicansky ©2007 Victor Cicansky
©1994 Victor Cicansky
©2011 Victor Cicansky
©1996 Victor Cicansky
©2009 Victor Cicansky ©2007 Victor Cicansky ©2011 Victor Cicansky ©2001 Victor Cicansky
©2007 Victor Cicansky
©2008 Victor Cicansky
©1997 Victor Cicansky

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©2011 Ceramsky Artworks
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Last updated February 2011